=============================================================================== TS 3 PHP Framework - Changelog Copyright Planet TeamSpeak http://www.planetteamspeak.com =============================================================================== + Added feature or noticable improvement - Bug fix or something removed * Changed or Information ! Important - Take note! =============================================================================== === Release 1.1.23 - 11 Oct 2013 === - TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::channelSpacerCreate() now accepts an additional parameter to specifiy the channel_maxclients for the spacer (defaults to 0) - fixed a stupid typo in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::channelSpacerCreate() that was reported by barricas - fixed "Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed" errors * public legacy release === Release 1.1.22 - 15 Aug 2013 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.9 (build >= 1378383061) is recommended + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::versionShort() + added icons for server and client applications * unified UTF-8 encoding in several methods * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientList() now includes client badges * public legacy release === Release 1.1.21 - 26 Jul 2013 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.8.4 - fixed an issue where TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::toArray() could generate elements with an invalid key + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientGetByDbid() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::sendPluginCmd() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Channel::sendPluginCmd() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::sendPluginCmd() * updated default codec for channel spacers to Opus Voice * updated country flag images * public legacy release === Release 1.1.20 - 04 Mar 2013 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen - removed outdated example scripts; check documentation instead * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::sortFileList() now sorts existing folders first in alphabetical order * public legacy release === Release 1.1.19 - 03 Jan 2013 === + added support for the Opus audio codec * adjusted output of TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::codec() * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now displays music codec status for both CELT Mono and Opus Music codecs * internal legacy release === Release 1.1.18 - 13 Nov 2012 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.7 (build >= 1352818893) is recommended ! TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionList() now respects -new option and converts the new output containing group_id_end to the old format + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionCats() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionEnds() ! TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionGetCategoryById() now determines the servers permission version and returns the permission category based based on the group_id_end or the first byte of the specified permission ID ! TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionGetGrantById() now determines the servers permission version and returns the ID of the associated needed permission modify power based on their default mask 0xFF00 or the new 0x8000 * TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionTree() performance tweaks * public legacy release === Release 1.1.17 - 05 Oct 2012 === * TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery::request() now allows disabling of exceptions ! fixed a deadlock in TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::fetchError() that was reported by neXXus4tw * public legacy release === Release 1.1.16 - 13 Sep 2012 === - fixed a problem in TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::fetchError() that could cause an infinite loop when using the permissionlist command + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::transliterate() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::uriSafe() + added TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html::getContainerSummary() * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now indicates insufficient talk power on clients in moderated channels * public legacy release === Release 1.1.15 - 23 Aug 2012 === ! codebase converted to Zend Studio 9.0.3 project + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGroupPermAutoAssign() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGroupPermAutoRemove() - fixed a bug where TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::channelGroupListReset() was not called in several channel group related methods * public legacy release === Release 1.1.14 - 11 Aug 2012 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.8.2 * updated country flag images using files from client 3.0.9 * public legacy release === Release 1.1.13 - 18 Jun 2012 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.6 (build >= 1339404919) is mandatory + TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::transferInitUpload() now respects server-side IP bindings for file transfer interface + TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::transferInitDownload() now respects server-side IP bindings for file transfer interface - fixed missing return value for TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::messageList() * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientList() now includes client IP addresses + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::tempPasswordList() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::tempPasswordCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::tempPasswordDelete() * internal legacy release === Release 1.1.12 - 18 Feb 2012 === - TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html::getCorpusName() no longer truncates name of channel spacers - fixed broken TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::snapshotDeploy() method === Release 1.1.11 - 05 Feb 2012 === ! TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::logView() has been updated and all parameters were changed to respect the new server-side implementation - fixed invalid usage of "permsid" instead of "permid" when an array of IDs was passed to permission related methods - fixed invalid detection of some channel spacers - fixed issues when using some UTF-8 encoded strings as command parameters * TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::isUtf8() now scans the entire string and checks that it conforms to UTF-8 by searching for non-ascii multibyte sequences in UTF-8 range + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionGetGrantById() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionTree() === Release 1.1.10 - 27 Dec 2011 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen - fixed object conversion issues in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientMove() - fixed invalid handling of sortid in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::sortGroupList() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientCountDb() * lists generated by TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::channelFileList() now contain the ID of the selected virtual server * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::snapshotDeploy() now returns a new ID and port if the deploy created a virtual server from scratch * public stable release === Release 1.1.9-beta - 27 Oct 2011 === + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update::getClientRev() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update::getVersion() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update::getClientVersion() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update::getServerVersion() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientGetIdsByUid() * TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update now supports new update protocol which allows querying the latest client and server build numbers (UNIX timestamps) and version strings * internal release only === Release 1.1.8-beta - 26 Sep 2011 === + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::version() * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now respects UNIX timestamps in server and client version numbers === Release 1.1.7-beta - 25 Sep 2011 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.1 (build >= 1316930695) is mandatory ! TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::logView() has been updated and all parameters were changed to respect the new server-side implementation + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::logEntry() * TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::logLevel() now supports conversion from string to level and vice versa * managing virtual server template settings is now possible by spawning a TeamSpeak3_Node_Server object using TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGetById(0) * parameter for TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverCreate() is now optional - minor fixes in online and offline docs * internal release only === Release 1.1.6-beta - 21 May 2011 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.7.4 ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-rc1 (build >= 14467) is mandatory + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::imageMimeType() + added constants for different banner display modes * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now supports alternative ftclient option data:image which allows embedding images directly into HTML output * internal release only === Release 1.1.5-beta - 19 Mar 2011 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.7.3 * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface is now backwards compatible to servers running version 3.0.0-beta29 * TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery is now theoretically compatible to the ClientQuery plugin interface when using available commands * adjusted exception types in all adapter methods + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Blacklist_Exception + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update_Exception + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_FileTransfer_Exception + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_TSDNS_Exception + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_TSDNS + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::prepend() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getFQDNParts() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGetByTSDNS() * TeamSpeak3::factory() URIs now supports optional server_tsdns parameter to identify a virtual server without specifying an ID or port number === Release 1.1.4-beta - 05 Feb 2011 === ! codebase converted to Zend Studio 8.0.0 project ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta31 (build >= 13537) is recommended + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientGetNameByUid() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientGetNameByDbid() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::clientGetServerGroupsByDbid() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::permRemoveAny() - fixed internal convert error exception caused internally when using integer values with more than 16 bits for clientftfid parameters * several iconDownload() and iconUpload() methods now use random clientftfid parameter values instead of node IDs - fixed bug where using exceptions inside uasort() callbacks caused warnings * TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::fetchError() now tries to resolve the permission name for failed_permid values to generate comprehensible error messages === Release 1.1.3-beta - 15 Jan 2011 === ! updated online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.7.2 + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal_Interface which subscribes the layout for all TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal callbacks available + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::permissionGetCategoryById() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::message() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::message() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::permissionCategory() + added new notifyError signal to TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply class to provide powerful code profiling capabilities + added additional debugging signals to both TeamSpeak3_Transport_TCP and TeamSpeak3_Transport_UDP to indicate whenever data has been sent/received * TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Update::getRev() now supports an additional channel to query the latest server revision number from the master server * TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::version() now supports optional parameter to provide direct access to specific version information such as platform and build - fixed an issue where flood ban messages sent by 3.0.0-beta30 servers could could cause timeout exceptions === Release 1.1.2-beta - 03 Dec 2010 === + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::copy() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::copy() - fixed invalid method call in TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::rename() - fixed invalid method call in TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::delete() - fixed invalid method call in TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::rename() - fixed invalid method call in TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::delete() - fixed unnecessary error exception when checking a group with no permissions assigned in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::serverGroupGetProfiles() - fixed invalid $_GET parameter name on clientinfo example page * hotfix release === Release 1.1.1-beta - 28 Nov 2010 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta30 (build >= 12910) is recommended ! example pages have been extended with useful example applications ! implemented __sleep() and __wakeup() methods for TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract objects which makes it possible to serialize and store them into persistent session values ! TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now returns HTML tables instead of div elements so please make sure that your existing CSS files get updated too * updated TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Text and TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html classes with new customizable output patterns to provide greater flexibility * changed visibility of all private class methods and properties to protected to allow modifications through inherited classes + added constants for different group name display modes + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Crypt + added TeamSpeak3_Exception::prepareCustomMessage() * custom messages set with TeamSpeak3_Exception::registerCustomMessage() can now be customized with pre-defined signs %code, %mesg, $file and %line to provide greater flexibility * class properties returned by TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract::getClass() now respect channel spacers and ServerQuery clients + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getUserParam() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getHostParam() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getSessParam() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getHostUri() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::getBaseUri() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Uri::stripslashesRecursive() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_Abstract::syn() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::spaceToPercent() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::privilegeKeyCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Servergroup::tokenCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::privilegeKeyCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Channelgroup::tokenCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::sortGroupList() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::isOnline() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::selfPermCheck() * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::serverGroupList() now respects i_group_sort_id * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::channelGroupList() now respects i_group_sort_id * TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyList() now supports optional resolve parameter to translate token_id1 and token_id2 into the appropriate group and/or channel names - fixed issue in TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::toInt() where integer overflow did not cast as float === Release 1.0.38-beta - 13 Oct 2010 === - reverted TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGetByPort() method to 1.0.35-beta * hotfix release === Release 1.0.37-beta - 12 Oct 2010 === - fixed broken TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverGetByPort() method * hotfix release === Release 1.0.36-beta - 11 Oct 2010 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta30 (build >= 12559) is recommended ! converted online and offline docs to Doxygen 1.7.1 - fixed a possible timeout issue with 3.0.0-beta30-pre servers - added missing comments for some undocumented class members + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverSelectedPort() * TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverSelectByPort() will not select a virtual server that is already selected === Release 1.0.35-beta - 05 Oct 2010 === - fixed invalid method name in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyCreate() - fixed invalid method name in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::customSearch() - fixed invalid method name in TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::customInfo() - fixed several small issues === Release 1.0.34-beta - 29 Sep 2010 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta29 (build >= 12463) is recommended + added constants for different codec encryption modes + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Signal_Handler + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Event + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::getCommandString() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery_Reply::getNotifyEvents() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery::wait() + added TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery::getQueryLastTimestamp() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyList() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyCreate() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyDelete() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::privilegeKeyUse() + added simple console client script to example pages ! all libraries will now emit signals that you can subscribe to which allows you to extend the core functionality of the framework with your own code - fixed regular expressions in TeamSpeak3_Helper_String filter methods * TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::serverSelect() will not select a virtual server that is already selected * new ServerQuery greeting message will now be filtered out of all replies sent by the server * TeamSpeak3_Transport_Abstract::getConfig() now accepts a parameter to get the value of a specified config setting directly === Release 1.0.33-beta - 19 Sep 2010 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta29 (build >= 12327) is recommended ! example pages will no longer support outdated Internet Explorer versions so please be sure to use a modern browser + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::permReset() - fixed "convert error" issues when using a TeamSpeak3_Node_Abstract object as command parameter * TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::getIcon() now respects client_flag_talking again * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now supports client country flags === Release 1.0.32-beta - 25 Aug 2010 === + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_String::isInt() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Host::setLoadClientlistFirst() * TCP/UDP streams will by default be opened in blocking mode * factory URI now accepts all flags as options thus supporting multiple flags at once including both TeamSpeak 3 Client display modes for viewer scripts - fixed invalid usage of parameter for blocking/non-blocking mode on a stream - fixed invalid conversion of float values while parsing ServerQuery replies * internal release only === Release 1.0.31-beta - 12 Aug 2010 === ! upgrading your servers to 3.0.0-beta26 (build >= 11927) is recommended ! removed "16x16_" prefix from viewer images and updated several icons + added some new demo scripts to the example pages + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::serverGroupGetProfiles() + added TeamSpeak3_Node_Server::connectionInfo() + added TeamSpeak3_Helper_Convert::logLevel() * TeamSpeak3_Node_Client::getIcon() now respects channel commander flag * several node list methods now support additional regexp filter parameters * exceptions thrown in TeamSpeak3_Adapter_ServerQuery::request() no longer contain full query command string * TeamSpeak3::factory() uri now features an optional parameter to enable the blocking/non-blocking mode on a stream * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now supports all special channel spacers by using background images * TeamSpeak3_Viewer_Html interface now returns empty